
About our foundation and why it is so important to us:

To us, this foundation is personal. This disease has hit home for us twice, in 2019 and then again in 2022. With the knowledge we gained through battling this disease as well as through our community full of patients and survivors, we want to do two things:

  1. Help others on the journey, provide information and hopefully the needed support they get out of it.
  2. Help raise awareness about this rare disease and bring specialists across the globe together to support treatment options via funding conventions and eventually research to find a cure in the future.

We will be updating this site with news on our foundation and the next steps we are planning, which are:

  • Creating the goals and guidelines for our foundation
  • Establishing the foundation as a non-profit
  • Installing the board for the foundation with knowledgeable people from our community as well as accredited and specialized physicians and clinicians
  • Start raising funds and open all possible ways for donations to reach our predefined goals.
  • Filling this site with structured information about CNS Lymphoma with the help of our community

Please stay informed about our updates as we create this foundation and the information around it. Sign up for our newsletter here: